Monday, July 5, 2010

ALTA Day 1

Well, this year's ALTA is a pretty warm and inviting conference given that it is being held in a building with all the warmth and charm of a stainless steel urinal (sigh, business school architecture). Day one is over and like any nerdy blogger, here I am updating my blog rather than drinking at the bar. Two things really struck me as interesting from today's program, the increasing pressures on law reform and the intriguing concept of a putting a capstone task in a law program.

I come from a law reform background and I'm always trying to get students to what opportunities they have in legal policy making, regulatory compliance etc. There was a special session on law reform and it seems that law reform bodies increasingly need help from the universities as their resources are being slashed. To me this is a perfect fit and a good opportunity for learning in the workplace/community and teaching/research nexus. Win/win.

On the capstone task, very intriguing. I rememberwhen my own llb was over it was more of a whimper than a bang. As Eddy Izzard suggests, leave the audience with a kind of ambivalent ummm. I look forward to hearing more about how we can help students transition to professional life on a high note, one which might make them remember their time at uni more fondly and less like a drawn out series of questioning, “is it over yet?”.

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