
Open Content:

Foundation Law

Beattie S (2010) Talking Legal Literacies  A compilation of 10 learning modules for foundation studies.  Published under a creative commons license.

Print Publications

Foundation Law

Beattie S (2010) The Law Workbook 3rd ed The Federation Press.  This is my print, non-open source, textbook published by the Federation Press.

Media Law

Beattie S & Beal E (2007) Connect + Converge: Australian Media and Communications Law,  Oxford University Press.  This is a media law textbook that contains problem based learning exercises at the end of each chapter.

Flexible Learning

Beattie S (2009) Reflections on the Extra Life Program, Report to Victoria Law School Executive,  a report on a program we use to give students who fail narrowly a chance to convert to a pass through participation in a weekend PBL intensive.

If you want me to include your books or resources on this page, let me know.  I won't include my work email here because of spambots, but you can find Scott Beattie at Victoria University Law School, staff profiles.